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CopywritersWriting, editing, and so much more.

Turn Ideas Into Copy That Resonates

Do you already have a good idea of what you want to say to potential customers? Fantastic. But getting those thoughts across in ways that make them interesting and relatable? From website copy to content marketing, we can hook you up.


A Blogger writes, edits, and promotes engaging posts on websites or personal pages. This role requires exceptional writing skills, plus a strong understanding of the intended audience. Bloggers often conduct their research as well. Some bloggers also monitor and respond to comments on their work posted on websites, social media, or other platforms. They must stay current on industry trends to create engaging content that attracts readership.

Content Strategy

A Content Strategist provides the strategic overview for all aspects of a brand’s content marketing efforts while pulling together and directing the individual specialists required to make it happen. Responsibilities typically include editorial direction, establishing and maintaining a content calendar, writing, editing, balancing the content mix, plus ensuring that everything supports and integrates with strategic objectives.

Copy Editing

Copy editing is preparing written content for publication. A Copy Editor is a professional with excellent writing skills who reads written material and checks the grammar, spelling, and facts. Copy editors also determine if the copy communicates information to the targeted audience while adhering to the style guide. A copy editor may rewrite and review material throughout the production process. In addition to superior writing skills, copy editors must be able to think creatively as they may be tasked to come up with catchy headlines and attention-grabbing lead-in sentences.


A Copywriter provides writing services and expertise. Beyond research and concept development, this includes creating clear, compelling web copy, marketing copy, blogging, and microblog writing, all delivered in a tone of voice suitable for a given client or brand.

Content Management

A Content Manager maintains site content while updating it regularly with compelling, relevant material. This includes developing content marketing strategies for increasing web traffic and brand awareness. A qualified professional can create SEO-friendly content worth sharing (including blogs), understand where and how to distribute content effectively, and know how to measure the results of marketing activity.


Proofreading is usually the last review of written copy before it is released to the public. Proofreaders begin their work after a copy editor has completed his work, as copy editors sometimes change the original material. They check for format spacing issues, spelling, and grammatical errors to ensure the material is error-free. Proofreaders must know how to use editing mark-up tools across different platforms. They also must be resourceful in fact-checking. High attention to detail is essential as proofreaders ensure that copy is accurate and effective.

Technical Writing

A Technical Writer provides professional-quality writing for various highly technical topics. The challenge is communicating complex ideas and information in a way that makes them easy to understand. This role typically includes research, writing, editing, and proofreading dense technical data.

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